Essential tips for buying the perfect domain name

Essential tips for buying the perfect domain name

Domain names are an essential part of any online business. But with so many to choose from, how do you know which one is right for you? These essential tips will help you buy the perfect domain name for your business.

1. Do your research – know what keywords you want to target

To begin with, you will need to write down a list of keywords or phrases that you want your website to rank for. If you already have a business, this should be relatively straightforward – for example if you sell running shoes, you might choose ‘buy running shoes’ as one of your keywords.

Once you’ve chosen your targeted search terms, the next step is to check which domain names are currently available containing these words. You can do this by using dedicated websites and typing in potential keywords into the search bar at the top: You can also acquire help from SEO companies Dubai for this.

2. Make it easy to remember and spell

If people can’t find your site easily when searching for it, they’re probably not going to buy anything from it! Try and ensure that your domain name is easy to spell and remember so that it’s as easy as possible for customers to find you.

3. Avoid hyphens and numbers

While not always impossible, buying a domain with hyphens or numbers in the name can often be more trouble than it’s worth. This is because people will often add them to the end of URLs when typing them into their browser. If you do wish to use them somewhere in your domain, make sure they’re at the beginning or end where they won’t get in the way!

4. Use .com if you can

It goes without saying that using .com in your web address is the easiest way for customers to identify it as an official site. If .com isn’t available, using other extensions like can be another good option – but many users will simply not bother looking if the website doesn’t have a .com address.

5. Don’t buy or sell with companies you don’t trust

As with any purchase, it’s important to make sure you’re in safe hands when buying a domain name. While there are many legitimate sellers out there, in some cases scammers have been known to set up fake websites under the pretence of buying another website’s domain name. Therefore, if someone approaches you offering to buy your domain, get in touch with them via telephone or email before transferring ownership – and never pay for a website using an untraceable method such as Western Union!

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